Room Acoustics Improvement Analysis in Open Planed Offices (2016)
Dilara Kelle, Prof. Dr. Sevtap Yilmaz
In the study, open-plan office environments with different plan schemes and surface properties were designed in 3D environment, simulated with ODOEN 10.0 and analyzed through objective parameters. Taking into account the characteristics of the environment such as maximum communication and use of daylight, acoustic improvements were made by altering the material, movable units and plan scheme. To introduce the effectivenes of the imporovement, calculated STI, D2,S-spatial attenuation curve, Lp,A,S,4 m-sound pressure level, rD-attention distribution distance, rP-privacy distance parameters were compared with the optimum values given in ISO standards and in the literature.
The Effects of Architectural Design Elements on Acoustic Performance in Arena Type Halls (2013)
Dilara Kelle, Prof. Dr. Sevtap Yilmaz
In this study, which examines the effect of the acoustic design process on the architectural environment, different acoustic environments are evaluated by changing various structural elements in a controlled way in an arena type hall. Comparisons of variations have been made by creating form, size or height differences on architectural design elements such as ceiling, side walls and canopies based on the designed main hall. The hall was calculated with the help of Odeon 10 Combined simulation program, and the objective data obtained were compared to each other and to the optimum values found in the literature. The relationshipship between building element and the acoustic environment was analyzed through the comparisons. As a result of the study, the positive and negative effects of building element designs on the acoustic environment has been introduced.
Evaluation of the Sound and Thermal Performance of the Facade of the Building on the Example of a Hospital (2010)
Genuine Sezgin, Dr. Nurgun Bayazit
In the study, the sound and thermal performance of the glass curtain wall was evaluated in line with the methods selected among the methods of determining the sound and heat performance of the building facade. According to TS EN ISO 140-5 for sound insulation performance, measurements were made with the element loudspeaker method, which is one of the 4 different methods of measurement in the field environment, and compared with the desired values. As for the thermal performance, the building was simulated with the EnergyPlus simulation tool and the results were evaluated. According to the results of the existing building facade determined by the selected methods, improvement suggestions are presented to create the desired comfort conditions in terms of sound and thermal performance.
Acoustıc Design Approaches Of Recording Studios: A Case Study (2021)
Dilara Kelle, Dr. Ayça Şentop Dümen, Prof. Dr. Sevtap Yılmaz
In the development of acoustic designof recording studios from the 50s to the present, many studies have been conducted and various approaches have been proposed to determine optimum room dimensions, room modes, speaker and receiver positioning, and surface properties. In this study, main design principles of the control room were compiled and demonstrated by applying them on a simulated room. A plan scheme, which is consistent with design principles, was developed and exported to a wave-based simulation program COMSOL. After the definition of inner shell according to LEDE (live-end-dead-end) and RFZ (reflection free zone) approaches, the iterattive analyzes were conducted and results were introduced the relationship between design and modal response.
Refereed articles
Dümen A. S., & Saher, K. (2020) Noise annoyance during Covid-10 pandemic: A research on public-opinion before and during the pandemic. Journal of Acoustical Society of America. (In progress).
Dümen A, S., & Bayazit N T. (2020) Enforcement of acoustic performance assessment in residential buildings and occupant satisfaction. Building Research & Information. DOI: 10.1080/09613218.2020.1741336
Sentop A, & Bayazit N T. (2016) A tool to support integration of noise control criteria in building design. Building Acoustics. 23(2). DOI: 10.1177/1351010X16645972
Bayazit N T, Sentop A, (2019) Binaların Gürültüye Karşı Korunması Hakkında Yönetmelik’in uygulanması hakkında açıklamalar. Boya, Yapı Kimyasalları, İzolasyon Dergisi. 28.
Bayazit N T, Sentop A, Ozbilen B S. (2018) Binaların Gürültüye Karşı Korunması Hakkında Yönetmelik inşaat sektörüne ve tüketicilere neler getiriyor? İZODERGİ: Isı, Su, Ses ve Yangın Yalıtımı Dergisi. 133.
Bayazit N T, Kurra S, Sentop A, & Ozbilen B S. (2018) Binaların Gürültüden Korunması ve Ses Yalıtım Yönetmeliği mimarlara ne getiriyor? İZODERGİ: Isı, Su, Ses ve Yangın Yalıtımı Dergisi. 128.
Sentop A, Bayazit N T, Altun M C. (2013) Dış duvarlarda gürültü kontrolü için kullanılabilecek bir katalog. Yalıtım Dergisi. 17(112).
Conference papers
Kelle D, Dümen A. S., Yılmaz S. (2021) Kayıt Stüdyolarının Akustik Yaklaşımları ve Örnek Uygulama. 14. Ulusal Akustik Kongresi. İstanbul
Naz S, Sezgin H, (2021) Türkiye’de mimarlık ve iç mimarlık eğitiminde akustik derslerinin güncel durum incelenmesi. 14. Ulusal Akustik Kongresi. İstanbul
Dumen A, S. Rasmussen, B. (2020) Verification of sound insulation performance of housing by field measurements and/or calculations – A case study. 49th International Congress on Noise Control Engineering. Seoul (E-congress due to Covid-19)
Sentop A, Bayazit N T. (2019) Konutlarda akustik performansın ölçümler ve kullanıcı anketleri ile degerlendirilmesi. 13. Ulusal Akustik Kongresi. Diyarbakır
Sentop A, Bayazit N T. (2019) Comparison of acoustic performance and subjective evaluation in residential buildings. 23rd International Congress on Acoustics. Aachen
Sentop A, Bayazit N T, Kurra S. (2018) Acoustic performance assessment of residential buildings – A measurement and survey study. ICSV 25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration. Hiroshima
Kurra S, Sentop A. (2018) (oral presentation only). Applicability analysis of the new regulation on building noise control. 11th European Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering. Crete
Sentop A, Bayazit N T, Kurra S. (2017) A case study for implementation of the classification scheme Introduced in the new sound insulation regulation in Turkey. 46th International Congress on Noise Control Engineering. Hong Kong
Sentop A, Bayazit N T, Kurra S, Demir D. (2017) Binaların akustik performansı ve kullanıcı memnuniyetine iliskin pilot çalısma. 12. Ulusal Akustik Kongresi. Izmir
Bayazit N T, Kurra S, Ozbilen B S, Sentop A. (2016) Proposed methodology for new regulation and guidelines on noise protection for buildings and sound insulation in Turkey. 45th International Congress on Noise Control Engineering. Hamburg
Bayazit N T, Kurra S, Sentop A, Ozbilen B S. (2016) Acoustical classification and proposed methodology for performance assessment of buildings in Turkey. 23rd International Congress on Sound and Vibration. Athens
Bayazit N T, Kurra S, Ozbilen B S, Sentop A. (2016) New regulation on noise protection for buildings and sound insulation in Turkey. 23rd International Congress on Sound and Vibration. Athens
Bayazit N T, Kurra S, Sentop A, Ozbilen B S. (2016) Binaların gürültüye karsı korunması ve ses yalıtımı hakkında yönetmelik taslagı ve binalarda akustik tasarım, uygulama ve denetleme. 2. Ulusal Yapı Fiziği ve Çevre Kontrolü Kongresi. Istanbul
Bayazit N T, Kurra S, Sentop A, Ozbilen B S. (2015) Binalarda akustik tasarım, uygulama ve denetleme - taslak kılavuz. 11. Ulusal Akustik Kongresi. Istanbul
Bayazit N T, Kurra S, Ozbilen B S, Sentop A. (2015) Binaların gürültüye karsı korunması ve ses yalıtımı hakkında yönetmelik taslagı. 11. Ulusal Akustik Kongresi. Istanbul
Bayazit N T, Kurra S, Sentop A, Ozbilen B S. (2015) Binalarin akustik sınıflandırılması, degerlendirme yöntemleri ve ülkemiz için öneriler. 11. Ulusal Akustik Kongresi. Istanbul
Sentop A, Bayazit N T, Altun M C. (2014) Noise control by design: A tool intended for architectural use. 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering. Melbourne
Sentop A, Bayazit N T, Altun M C. (2013) Gürültü kontrolü etkin yapı elemanı seçimi için bir araç. 10. Ulusal Akustik Kongresi. Istanbul
Sentop A, Bayazit N T, Altun M C. (2012) Dıs duvarlarda gürültü kontrolü için kullanılabilecek bir katalog. 6. Ulusal Çatı & Cephe Sempozyumu. Bursa
Kelle D, Yılmaz S. (2016) Açık Planlı Ofislerde Hacim Akustiği Koşullarını İyileştirme Analizi. 2. Ulusal yapı Fiziği ve Çevre Kontrolü Kongresi. İstanbul
Teke D, Yılmaz S. (2013) Arena Tip Salonlarda Mimari Tasarım Öğelerinin Akustik Performansa Etkileri. 10. Ulusal Akustik Kongresi. İstanbul
Bayazit N T, Kurra S, Sentop A, Ozbilen B S. (2018) Binaların Gürültüye Karşı Korunması Yönetmeliği Açıklama ve Uygulama Kılavuzu. İzoder. URL: [in Turkish]
Saher K, Aydın, D C, Ozbilen, B S, Sentop, A, Bayazit, N T, Eren, B (Eds). (2019) 13. Ulusal Akustik Kongresi Bildiri Kitapçığı. Türk Akustik Derneği.